Real Estate Listings in Digby, NS. Get real time updates by neighborhood or nearby . Get the most details. Real Estate Listings, real estate, apartments, condos, townhomes
active 152 queen street, digby, ns, b0v 1a0 $ 749,900 property information: awaken every morning
active 56 st marys street, digby, ns, b0v 1a0 $ 350,000 property information: well maintained
active 6 queen street, digby, ns, b0v 1a0 $ 259,900 property information: location! location! location!
active 1 queen street, digby, ns, b0v 1a0 $ 164,900 property information: the view!!! the
active 44 queen street, digby, ns, b0v 1a0 $ 264,000 4 beds 2 baths property
in addition to 22 houses in digby, we also found 8 commercial listings5 vacant land