Real Estate Listings in Antigonish, NS. Get real time updates by neighborhood or nearby . Get the most details. Real Estate Listings, real estate, apartments, condos, townhomes
active 121 college street, antigonish, ns, b2g 1x9 $ 345,000 5 beds 1 bath property
active 90 greenhill estates, antigonish county, ns, b2g 2v9 $ 175,000 3 beds 1 bath
in addition to 11 houses in antigonish, we also found 6 vacant land listings1 commercial
sold_cond 8 ross street, antigonish, ns, b2g 1c6 status: $ 394,900 4 beds 2 baths
active 96 pleasant street, antigonish, ns, b2g 1w9 $ 399,000 5 beds 2 baths property
active lot 16 sawhorse lane, antigonish landing, ns, b2g 2l2 $ 120,000 property information: 1
active 31 greening drive, antigonish, ns, b2g 1r1 $ 435,000 7 beds 2 baths property